Back to the Brooklyn engines: ritual morning 7-second Black Magic coffee grinding, my friend the school bus idling her motor 1 to 2 am, the treadmill ovaling under me, last turnings of the ceiling fan, and my lyric engine going too - tonight finished one inspired by a visit to a Mount Etna crater last summer in Sicily. Once you realized how pliable the hardened lava was, you could jump around in those coffee grounds with no fear! In the new song, the lavatongue takes me on a journey to the sea.
First full week back in NY was slightly more tea-infused, with the happy arrival of Roshi from London. Between the final summer sighting of the Atlantic and blue pedicures, we performed co-bills at Goodbye Blue Monday and Joe's Pub.

Roshi's voice soars effortlessly, and her songs are gorgeous and other-worldly. Her new album, Roshi Feat. Pars Radio The Sky and the Caspian Sea is launching October 19, and features her songs about pills and sheep, paces, and beautiful corners.

Goodbye Blue Monday was graciously hosted by The Debutante Hour, and it gave me the opportunity to return a postcard they had left in Padova of a semi-racy nun.
A concert can be an excuse to buy a dress. Here's me trying it on.

Our co-bills gave Roshi and I the chance to play each other's music. Besides a comedic mic-wobbling situation, the Joe's Pub show had a serenity and relaxed vibe to it. And the audience glowed with special artists and musicians... Pianist Rob Schwimmer!!
After, we ate "A Slice of New York"

and Roshi ate hers from the top!

October's IBEAM show was cancelled in the moment because only one person came to it. Warming up on some song excerpts with Peter Hess was lovely though, and we all got to drink some Brooklyn beers instead. I feel like transitions are happening for everyone, where we're all, via disappointments and triumphs, reaching to a higher, more intense level of life. A big, fearless caffeinated mountain.